Sunday, October 31, 2010

My attempt at Flash Fiction

So I'm a few weeks late to answer a challenge given by a fellow blogger to write a flash fiction story in 300 words or less.  I shied away from it, simply because of how long it's been since I've written any fiction at all.  But as I read the creativity that flowed from my friends, stories began forming in my mind.  Clips here in there of beginnings to another place where I was the creator, the author, the controller of the lives and circumstances of others.

After ignoring it for as long as possible (and honestly not having the time), I'm gonna give it a shot.  Forgive me.

****True Forgiveness****

The harder she swept, the harder the wind blew against her.

With broom in hand, she began sweeping faster, determined to remove the debris.  Her hands became hot and she knew there would be blisters. 

The wind refused to die down or change direction.  With each stroke of the broom, the wind counteracted by pushing the dirt back in her face.

Tears began stinging her eyes, threatening to fall.  It was a resemblance of her life recently.  She had stumbled and fell into sin, and although she had asked forgiveness from her Savior and those involved, people couldn't let it go.  

There were some who knew the truth, and some who knew only rumors, yet both treated her as if she was an outcast.  She was invisibly marked with a sign she was forced to carry.  Forgiveness and repentance meant nothing to those in her world.  They continued to throw her sin back in her face as forceful as the wind pushing back the dirt she so desperately tried to get rid of.

She had often looked back at that time and wondered who she had been.  She couldn't understand even now how she could have fallen so far into such a wretched sin.  A habit that was so difficult to be loosed from, and so easily denied. 

The pain she had caused another person could never be undone. 

Neither could the pain she had caused herself.

She knew there would be healing, but it would be a far time away.  With every angry word and reminder from those who chose not to forgive nor understand, the healing seemed farther and farther.  The wounds deeper.

She squeezed her eyes shut and refused the tears.

"In His name, I am forgiven!", she shouted to the wind.

It should be all that mattered.

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