Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Preschool Printable LOVE! :)

I never had any type of 'formal' preschool teaching with my oldest.  He's always been naturally curious and willing to learn anything we want to show him.  He's also quite dependent, so he has always let me show him how to do anything he wanted to learn, or I wanted him to learn.

Then came second born... a daughter.... MUCH like her mother.  She is very independent and stubborn, and although being almost 3 1/2 she still can't recognize or write her alphabet.

Oldest was writing words by her age...

She has refused vehemently to allow me to teach or show her anything!  Starting Kindergarten with our son 9 weeks ago, I had the bright idea that she would sit with us and I could work with her too.  Well, she DOES sit with us, but still has fought me every single day when I try to show her ANYTHING!

I'd tried several approaches, but with failure...

I had been seeing links for Preschool Printables on moneysavingmom's BLOG, and finally decided to try them. I chose the fall themed pack from Homeschool Creations since we have been enjoying fall here in Ohio.

At first I was just going to print them, let her go at it, then toss them in the trash when she was done.  But after printing 20+ pages, I just could allow myself to be that wasteful.

I decided to put the pages into sheet protectors, and then into a binder JUST FOR HER.  She's big on things that are just for HER, being the only girl in between two brothers. :)

She LOVES markers (and anything to do with art), so I gave her a small expo marker in purple (she got to choose), and attempted to show her what to do with her new book.

She listened.

No protesting, No fighting, No 'I can do it by myself!'....  I actually got lost a few sentences into explaining because I hadn't been prepared to actually teach her!

Her first attempt was still an independent, my way, effort, but I gently corrected her and explained again what to do and how we need to treat her special book.

The End.

no, not of this post, and NOT the end of my teaching!  She sat for over an hour, using both the marker for tracing, and the hands on manipulatives for sorting, etc.

And she let me teach her the entire time. :)

She even pulled the book out to show daddy when he got home, and did a few pages for him.  Before bed, she pulled it out again and did some more.

I am thrilled!  I have big plans for changing the theme each month and hoping her excitement continues! :)

I also made one for my Kindergartner, as supplement to his normal curriculum, but he hasn't had a chance to use it yet.

Just a few pics of my stubborn princess to follow my words. :)

I used a small, flexible 1/2 inch binder.  
I plan on storing them in a larger binder when we change themes. :)

I organized the manipulative pieces into baggies, then into sheet protectors.

You can see her independence in her first line.  ;)

After correcting her, and showing her again, she listened and followed directions!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


My apologies in being a WEEK late on the results of my aspirations.  Things have been... nuts. :)

I'm sure you're sitting on edge wondering what in the world I had planned to do, but let me tell ya, you can scoot back.  For most of you, disappointment will probably invade your mysterious excitement.

What I had decided to do, was to paint our bedroom and dressers as a surprise to my hubby.  He was going to be working yet another 14 hour day, and I thought it would be a wonderful, lifting encouragement for him to come home to a 'new' bedroom.

You have to understand WHY this is such a big deal.  I've struggled so long with discontentment with this house, that I (we) got to a place where we started letting things go.  Add to that, no money, no desire, no energy, and you have a small, messy, cluttered, outdated home.  I should actually use the word house not home because it stopped being a home to us years ago.

With all the changes God has been doing in my heart the past few weeks, one of the challenges He's given me is to change my attitude towards my house, and make it a home again.  Regardless of how my hubby may still feel about the house, if I can change MY attitude and actions, perhaps it will begin to reduce his discontentment with the house.

All nonverbal of course. ;)

Over the past couple of weeks, I've made it a point to keep parts of the house clean as much as possible (I do have 3 tornadoes five and under), as well as work on the rooms that have gotten left out.  I'm sure one of the kids (or ME) will break a neck or leg by tripping over the toys strewn horrendously in their rooms.  I set up a schedule to work 30 minutes in each bedroom (yes, ours too) and the computer/school/everything else room.

I've been happy to complete this at least half the days in a week for the past two weeks, and I love that my hubby comes home to a cleaner house.

**I need to put in here that he DOES NOT CARE at all what the house looks like.  While that is a HUGE blessing, it is also a curse for me.  But as everyone knows, a clean house encourages a calming spirit. :)  or so I'm told. ;)**

I've become more organized with my house (okay, I'm getting there), and more organized with my schedule. It helps that I've committed to staying up until he gets home from his 3rd job at 12:10am, and getting up with him at 6am.  More time with kids sleeping equals more time to organize and clean.

The biggest change of all is my attitude... I'm enjoying getting things in order.  I'm enjoying cleaning (well... more than before).  :)  I'm enjoying seeing the change in my husband because of the change in me.

I decided last minute to take on the challenge of redoing our bedroom, both to encourage him and to encourage me.  It really needed a makeover.  My mother-in-law gave us a bedspread four months ago that I refused to put on the bed until the room was painted.  yep, that's pretty much how long things take to get done around here... actually, it's more like years.

I hit up my favorite painting girlfriends for advice and encouragement (see previous post here), and added that to my limited knowledge of decorating and went for it.

I managed to paint the room, one complete dresser, and almost all of the second dresser, plus clean it up (enough) and put the bedspread on before he came home from work.

He. Loved. It.

He loved everything about the room, unfinished as it still is, but even more, he loved that I did it for him.

The room still isn't done.  I decided during the project that I wanted to also paint the ceiling and headboard, as well as do another coat on the 4th wall (I didn't paint it because I wanted it to stay that color.  However, the blue expo marker is begging to be painted over since I cannot get it off!).  The past few days I've also decided I want to rearrange the room.  Hubby doesn't know yet, because there's really only one other way to do it, and he doesn't like it that way.  I think he might now though??  :) We'll find out!

I also want to actually decorate the walls, something that has never been done in the almost 12 years we've lived here.  That is definitely an area I am handicapped in...

Here's a few before/after pics.  WHEN I finish the whole thing, I will post more.

It was such an uplifting encouraging thing to ME to see what I can actually accomplish when I put my mind to it!  I'm starting to win the battle of disability in life by doing and seeing I CAN do it.

God is so good!  I'm am very thankful He doesn't give up but keeps at me to change.  Thankful my stubbornness didn't win out this time! ;)

Both dressers looked like this.  They were given to us 12 years ago and I've always hated them.  Not until I met Kathy K. did I realize you could paint furniture to look like whatever you wanted. :)
(note the expo marker on the chocolate wall...)

I don't have any before pics of the room.  We didn't have a bedspread and as mentioned above, the room was a disaster.  It took me a long time to clean it, and you'll notice the left side of the room is missing... because I didn't get the piles of laundry completely folded/hung/put away. :P  

Friday, October 21, 2011

She Will Never Forget (OFF #3)

She lay in the bed and gave in to the heaviness of her eyelids.  Immediately her mind was flooded with memories of the blessings in her life.  She allowed the reflection to draw her in and rested in another time.

She will never forget the first time she met him.

She was in elementary school, and the year before, her class had prayed weekly for his family as they worked on the mission field in Africa.  She hadn't felt any special draw to any of the four boys in the family, and sometimes envied their pictures and letters they would send of their adventures there.

When he walked into class that first day, she froze.  One of those four missionary boys was standing right here in her classroom.  He walked over and sat at a desk in her classroom.  His desk was right beside her desk in her classroom.

Her eleven year old heart skipped its very first beat.

She was shy and quiet, and soon found out that despite being the popular missionary boy, he was just as shy.  The quietness became a bond as she helped him adjust to school in the states.

She will never forget his smile: genuine and soft.  He had a heart that mirrored his smile.  She could see his concern for others and his gentleness with words.

Junior high came and went, and even through those awkward stages and embarrassing moments, they remained the closest of friends.

During their freshman year of high school, he asked her father for permission to date her.  It was the beginning of a true heart relationship that continued to grow as they did.

They decided on the same college, though far from home, and he began his major of missionary aviation as she worked towards her nursing degree.  They had plans to marry and then join the work in Africa his parents had started.

Graduation day came, and soon after, their wedding.  A glorious day of two quiet hearts becoming one and having the goal of serving their Savior on the mission field.

While gaining support, they welcomed a beautiful baby girl into their tiny family.  It was a joyous surprise and a moment never forgotten.  She remembered the first time she saw her precious baby, and her heart had skipped again.

As a wife and mommy, she traveled with her husband, gaining support and praying for God's direction to be clear in their lives.  Three years later, while close to their final proposals, they welcomed another beautiful baby girl into their family.

Suddenly, her memories began twisting and started fading away.

"Wait!" she cried, but they soon disappeared.

Then she understood.  It was the birth of her second daughter that prompted the doctors to test her.  The tests were positive: she had cancer.  Her memories of blessings had been swallowed by the pain and heartbreak the next two years had involved.

She quieted her heart and opened her eyes.

She will never forget the first time she saw Him.

There, standing before her, with arms open wide, was her Savior, welcoming her home.  No more pain, no more heartache, no more tears.  She was safe with the One Who had loved her through it all.

***this is written in memory of my sweet friend, Jennifer, who lost her battle with cancer this morning at the age of 35.  she leaves behind her husband, and two little girls, but we know she has spent today with her Savior. she will be greatly missed.***

Friday, October 14, 2011

Surrounded (OFF #2 but only my #1). ;)

It was empty.

It was hers.

She had had her eye on this house for the past seven months as she made frequent stops to the quaint New England town during her business travels.  The tinted fall leaves in the thick woods and quietness of the area had collided with her present big city living, drawing her back time after time.

She had needed out. 

Her life had lost its purpose and everything she had loved was gone.  Suddenly the drone of the big city was too much for her and she found herself back in the small, peaceful town, only this time to stay.

It was the perfect place to start over.

The house had been empty for over a decade, which matched well with her heart.  The purchase was easy and now she walked through its halls, wondering of its history and listening for the stories the two-century-old house held. 

She imagined the families that had lived here.  She thought of the happiness that had once been in this house.  She wanted to imagine this house had never seen sorrow or anger or hurt or pain.  As she walked through each room, she sensed this had once been a joyful place, never yielding to the darkness that can so easily surround.

She had been surrounded by that darkness.

This was her escape.

She paused inside the smaller upstairs bedroom and immediately felt as if she wasn't alone.

Feeling no fear, she walked slowly across the room and placed her hand on the closet door. A cold draft entered the room and she held her breath.

Then she heard a voice she thought she had left forever, and the fear returned.


so is this new blogger set up new, or am i just WAY behind?...  i know i've been prompted to change it a few different times, but i just simply ignored it due to slim time in even getting to blog...

wow.  forget facebook's little changes... this is WEIRD. :)

anyway, i'm sitting down to blog about my goals for tomorrow.  i have BIG goals for tomorrow.  okay, more like insane goals.  i've only shared the idea with two people: one is encouraging me and saying i can do it, the other said there's no way on God's green earth it's possible. :)

i LOVE the two completely opposite opinions.

i highly respect both of these ladies and their opinions, and was not expecting their thoughts to be so opposite of each other.

obviously, the encouraging opinion motivates me.  someone believing i can do something that i'm not even sure i can do, but i STRONGLY desire to accomplish for many different reasons.  i'm not wanting this person to be 'proud' of me per se, BUT to think that when i'm finished i can say, 'YOU WERE RIGHT! I did it!  Thank you for encouraging me!' :)  That's motivation. :)

however, i am highly motivated by the opinion that this is completely impossible.  i'm definitely the type of person that if you say i CAN'T do something, then i will show you that i absolutely CAN (my daughter has inherited this from me... she's earned many punishments for this attitude already in her short life). ;)  and the opinion didn't come from MY lack of ability, but simply because of what is required cannot be done in her opinion.  i want to prove i CAN do this. :) telling me it's not possible is motivation.

i will share more details (and pictures) on sunday of how it went.

even if i failed, right now at this time in my life, just attempting it is going to be an encouragement. :)

BUT, i'm NOT gonna fail! ;)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 10 on 10

One picture an hour for ten hours on the tenth of the month, to document and liven up an 'ordinary' day. :)

Or ten pictures I managed to snap during our insanely normal day... ;)

Loving the new Bible study.  Well, as much as you can love conviction from the Spirit. ;)

cleaned the half bathroom.  but who wants to see a picture of a toilet?  so here's the ceiling. :)

Childcare day at the gym.  Also got to run a mile, which made me happy! :)

Afternoon full of Kindergarten.

Washed, cut, and cooked a half bushel (one bag) to be ready when daddy got home.

Apparently dinner was very good. ;)  
and since i'm short a pic, i'll just add a second in or our MESSIEST eater of the three.

After dinner, daddy helped turn the cooked apples into applesauce.  YUM! 
also a great opportunity to practice taking turns to crank the handle. :)

Sparks! It was a tough night, but he said his sections and got his patch! :)

the way I end every weeknight now... folding clothes.  
my goal is to stay up til my hubby gets home at 1215 and if i sit still that doesn't happen. ;)

Not the greatest pics and none edited, but at least I did it this month! :)
Go HERE to see some more and some pretty awesome ones! ;)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Healing Begins~Tenth Avenue North

I sat down to attempt to blog, but my heart is just weak.  I've been doing a lot of paper and pen journaling, yet still managing to skirt the issues He wants me to face.  Then I happened to notice a comment on my last post, which was simply a line from a song.

Or I'm guessing she thought it was simply a line from a song...

I've loved the song for a long time.  But I swear these were NOT the words to the song. But I believe God uses different parts of music in our lives at different times.

He knew I needed this song this week.

I actually started this blogpost the day after my last post, but life and a dying modem left any desire for internet maneuvering.

He's continued to give me a few hours of mental breaks, followed by a few hours of tough learning.  It's all for my better and His glory.

Let the walls keep cracking and tumbling down...

So you thought you had to keep this up
All the
work that you do
So we think that you're good
And you can't believe it's not enough
All the walls you built up
Are just glass on the outside

So let 'em fall down
There's freedom waiting in the sound
When you let your walls fall to the ground
We're here now

This is where the healing begins, oh
This is where the healing starts
When you come to where you're broken within
The light meets the dark
The light meets the dark

Afraid to let your secrets out
Everything that you hide
Can come crashing through the door now
But too scared to face all your fear
So you hide but you find
That the shame won't disappear
( From: )

So let it fall down
There's freedom waiting in the sound
When you let your walls fall to the ground
We're here now
We're here now, oh

This is where the healing begins, oh
This is where the healing starts
When you come to where you're broken within
The light meets the dark
The light meets the dark

Sparks will fly as grace collides
With the dark inside of us
So please don't fight
This coming light
Let this blood come cover us
His blood can cover us

This is where the healing begins, oh
This is where the healing starts
When you come to where you're broken within
The light meets the dark
The light meets the dark

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Heart of Flesh

It's a good thing I never felt compelled to write a blog for the intent of income such as many have.  I'd be more broke than I already am! ;)

I am here.  Life is busy, but honestly, I have had NO desire to write.  I haven't even wanted to entertain the thought of writing.

But here I am again. :)

I'm not the same person that quit writing 8 weeks ago.  I'm not the same person I was 2 weeks ago...

God has been working HARD in my life and changing me so much the past two weeks!  Sin is being confessed, habitual sin is being ripped out, thick walls are being cracked and my heart of stone is being replaced with a heart of flesh.

A heart of flesh...  A heart that feels and loves and has desires.  A heart that is genuine and sincere.

I know most Christians will say, 'what? we are supposed to avoid anything having to do with the flesh!', but you need to know the context where this came from.

Ezekiel 11:19-20 ~ And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them.  I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, that they may walk in my statutes and keep my rules and obey them.  And they shall be my people and i will be their God.

I had to stop after I pasted those verses on here.  God is not done just yet.  I have been also wrestling with those cracking, thick, ancient walls...  They kept creeping in as I let Him work on me this past week, but I wasn't sure because I wasn't sure if I was attempting to make excuses to avoid the sin issues or if He really was doing both.  So I wrote off the walls... actually I FORGOT about it, despite trying my hardest to remember what had been bothering me, which I believe was Divine amnesia so I could take care of the other thing first.  During the 48 or so hours I forgot about it was the time I finally allowed Him to start changing me.

**disclaimer** not sure why this paragraph turned blue and i don't feel like figuring it out... :)  

I remembered it last night, but that was the extent of my thoughts towards it, until I sat down and starting typing.  As SOON as I typed those words above of thick walls being cracked, my chest tightened and I teared up.  (yeah, crying is apparently something people with hearts of flesh do quite often)...  I tried to keep going but could not!

I prayed, and it went something like, "you ARE kidding, right, God??"


I mean, it's a good thing.  That's a good UGH... well...

The flood of emotions I'm experiencing at this moment is overwhelming.  It's an excitement because I've seen what He has done in me already and want more of that, but tearing down those walls is a FRIGHTENING thought!  it's like sorting through a large, tangled spider web that is one sticky mess to unravel.  I want to say I don't even know where to start, but I'm sure He would direct me to the beginning.

Now I have a choice.

I can choose to ignore His prompting.


I can choose to obey His prompting.

I had to come back to this after a few hours of interruption.  I've ran through about every emotion possible just in the past 5 hours.

In the end it all comes down to this: am I sincere about the commitment I made to Him last week.  Though this is a totally different issue, my obedience and trust in Him is being tested after I just chose last week to obey and trust Him.  I sighed a breath of relief, knowing that if this was what He was prompting me to do, He would take me through it and guide, protect, and encourage me in the messy process.  All I have to do is obey, and He will do the rest.

I'm going to end the post here, pick up a pen and notebook, and do it the old-fashioned way.  I need to sort it out on paper with words and I prefer handwriting over typing.

I hope that doesn't mean I'm showing my age. ;)

I am hoping to spend more time on here.  We'll see.