Friday, October 14, 2011


so is this new blogger set up new, or am i just WAY behind?...  i know i've been prompted to change it a few different times, but i just simply ignored it due to slim time in even getting to blog...

wow.  forget facebook's little changes... this is WEIRD. :)

anyway, i'm sitting down to blog about my goals for tomorrow.  i have BIG goals for tomorrow.  okay, more like insane goals.  i've only shared the idea with two people: one is encouraging me and saying i can do it, the other said there's no way on God's green earth it's possible. :)

i LOVE the two completely opposite opinions.

i highly respect both of these ladies and their opinions, and was not expecting their thoughts to be so opposite of each other.

obviously, the encouraging opinion motivates me.  someone believing i can do something that i'm not even sure i can do, but i STRONGLY desire to accomplish for many different reasons.  i'm not wanting this person to be 'proud' of me per se, BUT to think that when i'm finished i can say, 'YOU WERE RIGHT! I did it!  Thank you for encouraging me!' :)  That's motivation. :)

however, i am highly motivated by the opinion that this is completely impossible.  i'm definitely the type of person that if you say i CAN'T do something, then i will show you that i absolutely CAN (my daughter has inherited this from me... she's earned many punishments for this attitude already in her short life). ;)  and the opinion didn't come from MY lack of ability, but simply because of what is required cannot be done in her opinion.  i want to prove i CAN do this. :) telling me it's not possible is motivation.

i will share more details (and pictures) on sunday of how it went.

even if i failed, right now at this time in my life, just attempting it is going to be an encouragement. :)

BUT, i'm NOT gonna fail! ;)


  1. woot! i'm interested! definitely tuning in to see how things go...

  2. Very curious, Amy. Can't wait to see what you did. Hugs.
