I've seen and heard the word vomit a lot recently.
Some being used as the actual action of vomiting, due to several friends being 'newly' pregnant. :) (the smile is not for the vomiting... i'm not sadistic or anything)... ;)
I've also heard the word three times this week used figuratively... people with struggles, hidden sins, and heartbreak that have poured out their hearts on sweet friends.
I completely believe puking has it's place. It is necessary for our body to expel dangerous things we may unintentionally (or even intentionally) put into it.
I believe it's also a necessity for our hearts.
Some people hate to vomit. I am not one of them. I would much rather vomit and get it over with instead of suffering with nausea for hours on end.
However, when it comes to spiritual vomit, I am the complete opposite. I would rather hold in whatever is hurting me, whatever sin I am struggling with, whatever issue is eating at me... it is mine to whine and cry over.
I don't like to spiritually vomit.
I do think it's important. I do think it's necessary. I do think God wants us to share our struggles.
...but it's for other people, not me...
I'm all for someone puking on me.
{preferably spiritually, but hey, i AM a mom}
I don't like puking on others.
I was reminded this week by one of those sweet friends, that WE ALL STRUGGLE. Some hide it better than others, but that doesn't make them better. If anything, it can make them worse because they let it sit and fester instead of facing it and letting the Spirit work.
{on a sidenote: my hubby just walked by and said, "WHY are you writing about vomit?" ha. :) At least I know it's an attention grabber! :)}
Anyway, there are many verses which talk about helping those around us. My favorite is 'comfort those the same way you were comforted' (ark version). There are so many people who struggle and fight and hurt about the same issues, and those who have faced and conquered them through the Spirit are given the job of helping those still in the fight.
...but it's not always easy to puke...
For some people, they spill everything to everyone. For the rest of us, we need someone to drag it out of us.
...but how do we know if someone is hurting if they're so good at hiding it...
easy. {no, really} just spend time talking to them...
I'm not talking about the before/after church catch up conversations. I'm not talking about commenting on facebook statuses. I'm talking about genuine conversations of asking people how they are AND then asking specifics about life in general.
You'll be surprised at how easy some of the harder shells will crack.
Let me back up to my facebook sentence for a minute here. I am all about written conversation. I will write you a book {i.e. email or facebook message} about the deepest, darkest secrets of my life, when in person I may never (or rarely) speak to you. In fact, a very close friendship was formed when someone I never talked to sent me a message about a 'sad' facebook status. That was over three years ago, and to this day I love her dearly and would go to her with anything. To me, THAT was a genuine 'conversation'. That is how to get to know some of the 'tougher' people and learn of their lives, struggles, and be able to encourage them.
We don't have enough one on one conversations anymore. Just quick 'checkups' which really aren't check ups. Anyone can answer 'fine' to 'how are you?' and completely pull it off.
My goal is to start inviting people over more. I LOVE having friends over and just chatting... okay, it makes me SUPER nervous though because my house is always a mess, cluttered, and small/er... there's my confession for the post. BUT I've realized most people are nervous about coming over. It shouldn't be that way. We need to be more involved in each others lives. We need to be willing to be puked on, and if necessary, puke on someone else.
...nothing good can come out of hiding...
...people can't get help if we aren't willing to step up...
Hmm. This had nothing to do with what I originally had in my head to write tonight. Guess it's something He wanted me to write. :)
Thoughts welcomed. Emails and FBpm's are welcomed too. ;)
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