Monday, October 29, 2012

a beautiful reason for being missing

i promise i haven't completely abandoned my blog.  life has just been... insane.

i've had several things in my mind i've wanted to write about, but finding time, then having a new baby, then not having a computer for over a month has just killed all those pretty stories.

 my main reason for being away from blogland has been this:

isn't she gorgeous??  she was around 1 or 2 weeks old here. now she's 3 months.  why didn't i post a more current picture?? because i haven't uploaded any since she was 1 or 2 weeks old, except to facebook from instagram.  slacker? somewhat.  my first, second, and even third child all have folders in my pictures files for each WEEK of their life for the first 6 weeks then every month after that.  sorry, #4.  it doesn't help that most days she wants held 23 1/2 hours a day (and wants to nurse most of that... or so it seems). 

welcome to our crazy family, Emma.  you are well loved and a very special little girl. :)  

and thanks for giving mommy a few minutes to type something on the computer. ;)