Monday, February 28, 2011


I love my blog... :)

Whenever I see it now, I smile.  :)

Too stinkin' cute.

Now if what I wrote was just as great as the way it looks! :P

I need to update my weekly weight loss, and hopefully write something on homeschooling later tonight.

For now, gotta go get this adorable little guy up... ;)
Yes, HE is wearing a purple diaper. ;)  He's singing mommy a pretty (very high pitched) song. :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Owl Love

Do you like the new look??

I LOVE it!!

Thank you to Marissa @ for creating my background and header for me!!

I don't know how she did it, but she nailed me perfectly with so many aspects!

She doesn't realize it, I'm sure, but everything she created describes something about me... and I only gave her a little bit of info on what I would like for my blog.

Because I have nothing else on my brain at the moment (blogworthy anyway), I'm going to share how the design depicts me. :)

Green is my FAVORITE color.  Any shade.  I don't know why, but it always has been.

Black/Gray is perfect because I am not a 'lively bright' colors person.  Darker, bolder colors are my favorite, which is more of who I am, but with the bright lime green it reminds me that I do have a fun side. ;)

The polka dots I love because it characterizes the FUN in my life.  I like to play with my kiddos, be creative, act immature at times, and see the fun in life.

The stripes on the header I see as the 'business' side of me.  I was a teacher for 7 years (thought the polka dots probably describe that better than the stripes!) ;), an office clerk for a year, and now a Tastefully Simple Consultant (which I will have a link on here as soon as I get to it!).  I CAN BE professional when I need to be. ;)

The black ovals and swirls represent two things to me:  a pretty, feminine accent, and an antique accent.  I have always been a tomboy.  Hands down.  It's my preference.  BUT I can dress up, wear makeup, do my hair (in other than a ponytail), and be femininely pretty. :)  I like how it's in the background because that's where it is in my life.  It's there, hidden inside, and comes out every so often.

The antique part I LOVE because I thoroughly enjoy antique things.  I love history, but I also love listening to stories of days gone by, what it was like for my 83 year old great aunt when she was a child, memories and stories of not-so-famous people and their lives.  I love antique furniture and will stare at it and imagine the stories it could tell.  Life was simple a hundred years ago... Harder, but simple.

And then there's the owl.  The past few months I have just fallen in love with owls.  No clue as to why.  My aunt that passed away last spring was a huge owl lover, so maybe she left me her love of cooking AND her love of owls. :)  At the time I told Marissa I loved the owls, I didn't even think about how 'wise and witty' owls are, until I saw the adorable one perched beside my blog title. :)  PERFECT.

I still have to mess with the font colors and such, and after spending time on it this morning I still cannot decide except for the white print...  suggestions welcome! ;)

I'm sure no one has ever over-analyzed their blogger design like this before.  :)  Well, that's another aspect about me. ;)

I guess in being a wife and mommy of 3 precious little ones, I often lose myself, and it's nice when I find a little bit of me again.

Thank you, Marissa.  I smile whenever I see my blog. :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weight Loss Week 7 Update


It was another week.

I was taken to the hospital on Monday because the firemen (God bless) thought I was having a heart attack. did the doctors.

But it wasn't.  Whew.  I'd go into all the details, but it's not necessary.  I'm alive, feeling better, and headed to the doctor's this week.

Needless to say, there was ZERO working out all week.  Nothing.  I didn't even feel 'normal' until Wednesday night, and then still didn't get energy back until Friday.

I had intended on focusing on my eating and seeing what I could change and/or improve, and this actually gave me the perfect timing to do it.  I could see results based on my eating ONLY, since I wasn't allowed to do any exercising all week.

I tweaked the food itself, cut my calories back by 300, and made sure to eat every few hours instead of 2-3 solid meals per day.  I wanted to cut the calories back by 500, but because I'm still nursing and my little man is skinny enough, I settled for 300.

One other 'new' thing I did was to STOP drinking our tap water.

I am NOT a water snob.

(okay, i cannot drink well water...)

I mean, I have no problem with refilling bottles from the tap and placing them in the fridge.  I like bottled water, but I don't like paying for bottled water.

We had our water tested right after moving in 11 years ago, and guess what? Columbus city water is full of nasty stuff.

Not nasty as in toilet water nasty, but nasty as in CHEMICALS!

We used a water softener and reverse osmosis for many years after this testing, until they quit working.  Then we bought water.  Then we became more poor and started drinking the chemically manufactured tap water.

I didn't think it was a big deal...

...until last week.

My MIL bought us a case of bottled water on the Thursday before the week started, and for 6 days that was the only water I drank (except for what was used in making our coffee).  After the first 2 days, I felt less bloated, and my clothes fit better.  I thought it was odd (and this was before I tweaked my diet).

Around day 4, two things happened:  first, I noticed I was still feeling 'lighter'...  second, I began trying to 'conserve' our bottled water by refilling a bottle from tap every now and then.

That day I took a sip of my ice cold refilled tap water bottle and immediately spit it out!  It tasted AWFUL!  It had a very salty flavor and even a bit of 'old' flavor to it (not quite sure what 'old' flavor actually is, but I don't know what else to call it). :P

I then realized why I had been so much less bloated and fitting better in my clothes (to the point where my freshly washed jeans were a bit BAGGY)...  I have been retaining water due to the sodium levels in our tap water.

That is just plain nuts.


I did some research and found this fact to be true.  Because city water is 'softened' with salt, the sodium level is high.  Some areas contain VERY high levels of sodium, depending on how yucky the water is to start out with.

Now I find myself in a conundrum...  We can't afford to buy bottled water.  Just not gonna happen.  (Plus I HATE paying for water).  If I continue drinking the tap water, my body will remain bloated, hold onto extra weight and let's face it, not be as healthy because of the higher sodium levels.  I've been trying to cut out as many chemicals and toxins as possible from my food, and don't want to destroy that work by drinking the tap.

My temporary solution, which hopefully works well enough to become permanent, is to purchase a Brita water pitcher.  I found one at Walmart for $9.87 and I have a $4/1 coupon.  I can justify paying $5.87 for a pitcher and filter that will last the amount of 300 bottles. I've been trying for 3 days to get there and buy it, yet haven't made it there... hopefully tomorrow morning!

I used to own one back when I first graduated college, and hope they will work well enough and remove the chemicals from our tap water.  I know Biggest Loser promotes them as part of going green and encouragement to drink water, but I hope somewhere in all the advertisement is evidence of a great product.

We ran out of bottled water on Wednesday and my choices were tap or... well, there wasn't a choice.  I actually had to flavor it with the little drink packets for the first day and a half in order to just drink it.  I then just forced myself to get used to it again, though even today it still tastes gross to me.  I'm sure it doesn't help that I know what it's doing to me now!

And guess what... tonight when I put my jeans on (that were not freshly washed), they were snug.  I've felt bloated the past two days and my clothes are evidence that I've 'swollen' back up.

I don't even want to think about what the chemicals are doing to my body that aren't as evident as 'bloatedness'.


...that was me thinking...


Here are my Stats for the week:

Weight~ LOST 2 lbs 
Arms~ Left-LOST 0 inch Right-LOST 1/4 inches
Chest~ LOST 1/2 inch
Waist~ LOST 0 inch
Hips~ LOST 1/2 inch
Thighs~  Left-LOST 0 inch Right-LOST 0 inch
Calves~ Left-LOST 0 inches Right-LOST 0 inches

Weight~11 lbs
Arms~ 3 1/4 inches (total)
Chest~ 4 inches
Waist~ 6 inches
Hips~ 4 inches
Thighs~ 6 inches (total)
Calves~same as first measurement


Hoping to jump right back in with my trainer tomorrow. :)  I've MISSED her! :)

remind me i said that in a few days, okay?

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I've seen and heard the word vomit a lot recently.

Some being used as the actual action of vomiting, due to several friends being 'newly' pregnant. :)  (the smile is not for the vomiting... i'm not sadistic or anything)... ;)

I've also heard the word three times this week used figuratively...  people with struggles, hidden sins, and heartbreak that have poured out their hearts on sweet friends.

I completely believe puking has it's place.  It is necessary for our body to expel dangerous things we may unintentionally (or even intentionally) put into it.

I believe it's also a necessity for our hearts.

Some people hate to vomit.  I am not one of them.  I would much rather vomit and get it over with instead of suffering with nausea for hours on end.

However, when it comes to spiritual vomit, I am the complete opposite.  I would rather hold in whatever is hurting me, whatever sin I am struggling with, whatever issue is eating at me... it is mine to whine and cry over.

I don't like to spiritually vomit.

I do think it's important.  I do think it's necessary.  I do think God wants us to share our struggles.

...but it's for other people, not me...

I'm all for someone puking on me.
{preferably spiritually, but hey, i AM a mom}
I don't like puking on others.

I was reminded this week by one of those sweet friends, that WE ALL STRUGGLE.  Some hide it better than others, but that doesn't make them better.  If anything, it can make them worse because they let it sit and fester instead of facing it and letting the Spirit work.

{on a sidenote: my hubby just walked by and said, "WHY are you writing about vomit?"  ha.  :)  At least I know it's an attention grabber! :)}

Anyway, there are many verses which talk about helping those around us.  My favorite is 'comfort those the same way you were comforted' (ark version).  There are so many people who struggle and fight and hurt about the same issues, and those who have faced and conquered them through the Spirit are given the job of helping those still in the fight.

...but it's not always easy to puke...

For some people, they spill everything to everyone.  For the rest of us, we need someone to drag it out of us.

...but how do we know if someone is hurting if they're so good at hiding it...

easy.  {no, really}  just spend time talking to them...

I'm not talking about the before/after church catch up conversations.  I'm not talking about commenting on facebook statuses.  I'm talking about genuine conversations of asking people how they are AND then asking specifics about life in general.

You'll be surprised at how easy some of the harder shells will crack.

Let me back up to my facebook sentence for a minute here.  I am all about written conversation.  I will write you a book {i.e. email or facebook message} about the deepest, darkest secrets of my life, when in person I may never (or rarely) speak to you.  In fact, a very close friendship was formed when someone I never talked to sent me a message about a 'sad' facebook status.  That was over three years ago, and to this day I love her dearly and would go to her with anything.  To me, THAT was a genuine 'conversation'.  That is how to get to know some of the 'tougher' people and learn of their lives, struggles, and be able to encourage them.

We don't have enough one on one conversations anymore.  Just quick 'checkups' which really aren't check ups.  Anyone can answer 'fine' to 'how are you?' and completely pull it off.

My goal is to start inviting people over more.  I LOVE having friends over and just chatting... okay, it makes me SUPER nervous though because my house is always a mess, cluttered, and small/er... there's my confession for the post.   BUT I've realized most people are nervous about coming over.  It shouldn't be that way.  We need to be more involved in each others lives.  We need to be willing to be puked on, and if necessary, puke on someone else.

...nothing good can come out of hiding...

...people can't get help if we aren't willing to step up...

Hmm.  This had nothing to do with what I originally had in my head to write tonight.  Guess it's something He wanted me to write. :)

Thoughts welcomed.  Emails and FBpm's are welcomed too. ;)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weight Loss Week 6 Update

I didn't intentionally skip my update last week... I just haven't made the time to sit and catch up.  However, there was NOTHING to report.  I lost NO weight and NO inches.

I went back and looked at the week and evaluated it.  It made perfect sense.  I ate 'ok', BUT I only had one day the whole week I worked out, and that was only 30 minutes of cardio.  Two of those days were the snowstorm/ice we got, but still, I could have gone at least ONCE more...

This week I worked out for FIVE days.
Mon. Tues ~ 1 1/2 hours with my trainer
Wed. 1/2 hr cardio
Thursday~ 1 hour strength/cardio
Friday~ 20 min cardio (interval training)

I kept my eating under control, both portion sizes and types of food.  The exception would be two meals at my Tastefully Simple convention which were served to us made with our new Spring/Summer products. (YUM).  The meals were actually healthy, but the desserts were not.  Thankfully, I'm not a big sweets eater and didn't mind leaving most of my desserts on the plate.

I was looking forward to my update today!  I was actually excited to step on the scale and pull out the measuring tape!  I worked HARD this week, and was excited about the results I was going to see.

THEN, I stepped on the scale this morning.  UGH.

I pulled out the measuring tape.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

So here are my stats for this week:

Weight~ LOST 0 lb (yes, that says zero!)
Arms~ Left-LOST 1/2 inch Right-LOST 1/2 inches
Chest~ LOST 1/2 inch
Waist~ LOST 1/2 inch
Hips~ LOST 1/2 inch
Thighs~  Left-LOST 1/2 inch Right-LOST 1/2 inch
Calves~ Left-LOST 0 inches Right-LOST 0 inches

Weight~ 9 lbs
Arms~ 3 inches (total)
Chest~ 3 1/2 inches
Waist~ 6 inches
Hips~ 3 1/2 inches
Thighs~ 6 inches (total)
Calves~same as first measurement


Yes, I see I lost something, but really, not even a whole inch anywhere????  I kicked my rear this week and this is what I get?  

SO not happy.

AT all.

I have to not let this deter me from working out this week.  I have to work harder, longer, more, and totally tighten my eating (even though it has been good).  I have to look past it and get angry and determine to beat it, otherwise I will completely give up.

I have 46 days til the wedding.

Even more importantly, every day I carry this extra weight is time I'm shortening my life with my family.

It's time to get angry.

I plan on copying/pasting this form each Sunday.  I know it's basic, but simple = doable!

Want to join me?  Create your own, or copy mine, and let's lose weight together! :)  Leave me a comment with your health goals (or link to your blog) and I will encourage you in your journey as well!

"Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do ALL to the glory of God!" I Cor. 10:31

Saturday, February 5, 2011


So this blog was not intended to be turned into a weight loss blog. :)  Somewhere along the way, life got busy and my blogging got lost with it. :P

I really don't have anything to say now.  I just thought before I posted my weight loss tomorrow, I could have something intellectual to say.

Okay, or just anything would work too...

Because it's a new month (or almost a week into a new month), we went back and looked at our goals we made in January to see our progress {or lack there of} and do some adjusting.

One of my goals was to sew on the weekends.  There was actually only ONE weekend in the past 5 weeks that I didn't get to sew.  THAT is a HUGE accomplishment for me!

I love to sew.

No, for real, I LOVE to sew!  I just never take the time to do it, which is why it was placed on my goal sheet.

My goal is to complete 3-5 Hooter Hiders each weekend (those would be nursing aprons for the more modest speaking of my friends), so I can accumulate quite a bit for the Spring Expo coming in May.

I love my hooter hiders. :)

I am definitely a breastfeeding advocate.  Advocate not nazi...  If for whatever reason, a mom doesn't or can't breastfeed, then that is their choice.  As long as they feed their baby, I am happy with them. :)  Most of my generation was formula fed, and we all turned out just dandy... :D

BUT, I am not a boob advocate.  Cheers to the moms who can breastfeed without anyone knowing, but for some of us larger, more clumsy mamas, I found that no matter how hard I tried, part of my large self kept peeking out for the world to see.  And no, I'm not concerned that my breast is showing as much as offending the person seeing my breast.

I also don't get those who feel it's necessary for the rest of the world to see their boob while breastfeeding.  I've got two of my own... no need for me to see yours.

I don't get how a breastfeeding breast is offensive, but I do get that a very large mama hanging out in many areas including the breast can be, so for that reason I love my Hooter Hiders.

Hmm... hope I didn't just offend anyone...

I am not an easily offended person.

But I do know of many breastfeeding moms who don't want anything to show, or any possibility of showing, no matter what their reasoning.

I first discovered Hooter Hiders by a mom of a baby I kept.  The mom is rich.  I mean, why beat around the bush.. she has money.  I loved her hooter hider and asked about it because I was pregnant with #2 at the time and after many 'showings' in public with my first, I thought I would get one.

Only to find out she paid $50 for one.

for ONE.

and she had a few.

I borrowed one of hers and took it to my incredible Aunt who can sew anything, and together we came up with a pattern to make them, for a LOT cheaper than $50.

I started making and selling them, giving one or two to a few close pregnant friends, and just love it.  I stopped for a while (like a YEAR...ugh), but wanted to get back into it.

Unfortunately now, you can get them almost anywhere, including Target (though theirs do not have some aspects that the more expensive {and my} nursing aprons do).

But I'm still making and selling them.  If it helps a mom feel better about breastfeeding in public, then yay. :)

So that's one of my sewing projects on the weekends, and in February I will be adding a quilt to it. :)

I love making time for sewing.

Time for me...

Even if the house gets ignored for a day or two... ;)