Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 10 on 10

This might as well just be titled 'Cute toddler who ran the day'...  It was just not a great day for pictures... too hectic and chaotic and... normal. ;)  oh well.  There is nothing exciting in these, so please feel free to move on to the next blog.

And I caption my pictures because... well, I like to.

The day started 2 hours earlier than usual because of this 
adorable, cute, ornery face.  And I knew exactly how
my day was going to go from then on.

A little Lego Star Wars Clone vs. Droid battle before
school always makes the day exciting.

School.  Yes, I homeschool. If that seems
weird to you, well, that's not my problem. 

Oh, look, that cute toddler again. Eating cards under 
my feet during school.

Yes, the camera decided to focus on the pacifier instead of
the cute baby's face. No, I did not retake. Getting a picture of
an infant without waking them is a brave act. So this is what you get.

Oh, Look, there she is again! Helping me fold clothes. Ha.

Isn't this the popular thing to do right now? Plus, I'm pretty
proud of my meatloaf. It rocks. And all my kids love it. And my 
daughter was excited that she recognized an 'M' on my meatloaf 
(because I sneak in cool learning things like that). Or I was just
in a hurry trying to fix my own plate after 4 little ones that I just squiggled
the ketchup on and got lucky.

I realized he was the only one I hadn't photographed all day. 
This one can get as messy as he wants because he knows all 
he has to do is whip out this smile on this handsome face and
mommy just melts and gives in... LOVE this kid!

The lunch people at my hubby's school LOVE him (who doesn't!)
and loves blessing him with all the leftover bananas from the week.
and then he brings them home to me expecting me to have plenty of time
to whip them into something yummy before they rot and we feel guilty.
My high ambitions didn't happen last night and they're still sitting there this morning.
I know what we're doing during school today! HOME EC!! :D

Why, yes, it's late and yes, that's my toddler. And yes,
she's still in the same pj's as she was this morning and afternoon.
3/5 of the kids were dressed today. That is success! 
Here she is helping me load the dishwasher.
And yes, that is a MOUND of dirty little people laundry on the floor.
It's sitting in the laundry hallway (no, not room, we aren't that lucky),
waiting for toddler to toss them around before they get in the 
wash before bedtime.  IF she ever goes to bed...

And that my friends is a small glimpse into a day of my life. Chaotic, tiring and always full of something exciting and something messy. My photography skills have gone the way of the stuffed animal in the toilet, but at least my humor has managed to stay afloat.

Extremely BLESSED with my littles and someday my pictures will be of a boring, clean house with no adorable little faces and I WILL miss it!

See REAL 10 on 10 blogs at this amazing blog with amazing pics and what the idea is really supposed to be about. :)

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