There wasn't any doubt that all I wanted was a Bible verse reference. No pictures, no other words, just the reminder of the words that play such a big part in my life. I wanted the reference II Corinthians 10:5 written across my left inner forearm, from my wrist to my elbow, in scripted lettering.
My mind, like all minds, is a battlefield. My battlefield is overloaded with the enemy: negative thoughts. They group together and attack the most vulnerable parts of my life, beating me down until I retreat.
I lose, I give in, I comply.
There have been several times in my life in which the enemy has captured me and taken complete control of my thoughts, resulting in actions that literally almost destroyed me. In some instances, it destroyed whatever life I knew at those times, causing painful rebuildings.
You think after one time I would've learned to fight harder, but I am so vulnerable to this enemy of negative thinking that I continue to lose over and over again.
There came a point in my life a few years back, in which I finally began winning. This verse, recited over and over again, hanging in printed word wherever I could see it, was my sword. I knew I needed to cast down EVERY thought that wasn't godly. I needed to have the mind of Christ, and that wasn't possible while letting the negative consistently win.
I was finally ready to go to battle prepared to fight instead of retreat or surrender. I needed to capture those negative thoughts and RETRAIN them into thoughts that were obedient to Christ. Not an easy task, and one which required a constant vigil, teaching and changing negative into what Christ himself would approve of.
The last couple of years I finally, finally, was able to have more victories than losses. Victories in some areas I never thought was possible.
Then I began to slip again. I put my armor down, let my guard down, and the enemy began waking up and slowly taking control again...