Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weight Loss Week 4 Update

Four weeks into it, and I'm still hanging in there.  Each week, my goal is to work out 6 days that week.  The most I've gotten in is 5...  BUT it is still my goal!  I don't want to slack off!!

Mon, Tues ~ 1 1/2 hours with my trainer (each day)
Wed ~ nothing formal
Thurs~ 1 hr of step
Fri, Sat ~ nothing formal

Ate fairly healthy Mon-Wed.  Thursday evening went out with a friend.  It was the first time eating out in a month, and although it was incredibly yummy, it didn't agree with me very well.  :P  Nice to know my body has changed and adapted to the 'healthier eating'. ;)  Friday, my in-laws came and took the kids and me out to lunch.  In other words, two days of restaurant food after none for almost 6 weeks did not sit well.  Saturday was back to eating at home, and healthier foods.  

Weight~ LOST 1 lb 
Arms~ Left-LOST 0 inch Right-LOST 0 inches
Chest~ LOST 1/2 inch
Waist~ LOST 1 inch
Hips~ LOST 1/2 inch
Thighs~  Left-LOST 0 inch Right-LOST 1/2 inch
Calves~ Left-LOST 1/2 inch Right-LOST 0 inches

Weight~ 9 lbs
Arms~ 2 inches (total)
Chest~ 3 inches
Waist~ 5 1/2 inches
Hips~ 3 inches
Thighs~ 5 inches (total)
Calves~same as first measurement

Not where I wanted to be after 4 weeks, but it's okay.  I get to the gym as often as I can, and do cardio at home when I can't.  This week was harder having another 2 year old in the house.  However, I did force myself up very early a few times this week to work out before the crew awoke... I noticed it totally wore me out worse though.  Just not a morning person. ;)

I plan on copying/pasting this form each Sunday.  I know it's basic, but simple = doable!

Want to join me?  Create your own, or copy mine, and let's lose weight together! :)  Leave me a comment with your health goals (or link to your blog) and I will encourage you in your journey as well!

"Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do ALL to the glory of God!" I Cor. 10:31

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weight Loss Week 3 Update

I was NOT looking forward to the weigh in today.  I had been sick most of last week, and ended up only meeting my trainer for one day, as well as only one other day of cardio.  My eating suffered as well, in that what I ate wasn't the most healthy.  I struggled with portion controls, but for the most part still kept them under reign.  I was pretty sure I was going to gain.

Here's a recap of my activity and eating as well as my changes in weight and inches.

Mon, Tues, Wed~ Sick
Thurs~ worked out with trainer for 45 minutes (i was so weak from being sick! ugh!)
Fri~no formal workouts... spent the day trying to catch up from being sick
Sat~45 minutes of Step

I'm skipping this section this week.  My eating wasn't on any type of routine.  

Weight~ LOST 1 lb 
Arms~ Left-LOST 1/2 inch Right-LOST 0 inches
Chest~ LOST 1 1/2 inches
Waist~ LOST 1/2 inch
Hips~ LOST 1/2 inch
Thighs~  Left-LOST 1 inch Right-LOST 1/2 inch
Calves~ Left-LOST 0 inches Right-LOST 0 inches

Weight~ 8 lbs
Arms~ 2 inches (total)
Chest~ 2 1/2 inches
Waist~ 4 1/2 inches
Hips~ 2 1/2 inches
Thighs~ 4 1/2 inches (total)
Calves~{gained} 1/2 inch

I'll take it! :)  Anything LOST! I'm hoping to get back to the normal routine this week! 

I plan on copying/pasting this form each Sunday.  I know it's basic, but simple = doable!

Want to join me?  Create your own, or copy mine, and let's lose weight together! :)  Leave me a comment with your health goals (or link to your blog) and I will encourage you in your journey as well!

"Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do ALL to the glory of God!" I Cor. 10:31

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Weight Loss Week 2 Update

Here's a recap of my activity and eating as well as my changes in weight and inches.

Mon. Tues. ~ Worked out at gym for 1 - 1 1/2 hours each day, mixture of weight training and cardio.
Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. ~ 30-45 minutes of cardio

I overdid the weight training on Monday and was super sore through Friday, plus I injured my left quad.  Due to my soreness/pain and my trainer being sick, the majority of the week was cardio.  BUT at least I did something! :)

Breakfast consisted of one serving of oatmeal each day.
Snack was one boiled egg AFTER workouts (for protein and Vitamin B boosts)
Lunch  tuna wrap (tuna, light mayo, seasoning, shredded cheese, lettuce, whole wheat wrap) or a roasted chicken breast topped with pepperjack cheese and sauteed mushrooms and onions or a black bean, cilantro, avocado wrap.  Fresh veggies were added as a side each day.
Snack was an apple or a string cheese.
Dinner was nothing out of the ordinary.  I usually cook as healthy as possible with what we have.  This week I struggled with portion sizes.  I was a LOT hungrier than last week, perhaps because my metabolism was up?  There were a couple times when I found myself grabbing whatever between meals/snacks, so this week I want to be prepared with extra healthy snacks.
Dessert was occasional.  
Drinks were 6-8 BOTTLES of water a day, as well as one cup of milk (and of course my 2 cups of joe in the morning).  One evening I shared a pop with my hubby.

Weight~ LOST 2 lbs (which would be discouraging, except I know I've gained muscle!)
Arms~ Left-lost 1/2 inch Right-lost 1 inch
Chest~ LOST 1/2 inch
Waist~ LOST 2 inches
Hips~ LOST 1 inch
Thighs~ LOST 1/2 inch (each)
Calves~ Left-gained 1/2 inch Right-stayed the same  Calves are very sore today due to an hour of step yesterday.

Weight~ 7lbs
Arms~ 1 1/2 inches (total)
Chest~ 1 inch
Waist~ 4 inches (FOUR!)
Hips~ 2 inches
Thighs~ 3 inches (total)
Calves~{gained} 1/2 inch

Considering it was a very tough week for me, I am happy with this!  Looking forward to doing it again this week, and being careful NOT to overdo it! that was not fun at all! :P

I plan on copying/pasting this form each Sunday.  I know it's basic, but simple = doable!

Want to join me?  Create your own, or copy mine, and let's lose weight together! :)  Leave me a comment with your health goals (or link to your blog) and I will encourage you in your journey as well!

"Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do ALL to the glory of God!" I Cor. 10:31

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sharing a Friend's Blog!

Marissa has started a new blog (to replace their other one) and is offering a giveaway!

Head over HERE to check it out and keep up with the Sharbaughs! :)

For those of you who don't know Marissa and John, they are cousins to Mandy, Kathy and Jenny, and parents of baby Malachi who many of us prayed for during last year.  If you haven't checked out their site in a while, you will want to jump over there and adore their newest addition, baby Jackson! :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

more food...

I've never posted a 'food' post... ya know, the kind that shows you step by step how to make something incredibly yummy and beautiful all at the same time?

It's not because I can't cook.  I actually love to cook!  LOVE it...

{Don't ask about baking}

I think it's because I do things my own unique way.

Yes, unique, that's a good word for it. ;)

For some odd reason I decided to 'document' the making of an appetizer I prepared for Christmas Eve.  They weren't anything special... I actually think the brightness of the tomatoes drew me to photograph them. :)

I was not at home, so I would have changed the way I did a few things, but they still turned out. :)  AND they were fun and easy to make (and oh so yummy to eat). ;)

Stuffed Tomatoes (I have no clue what the 'real' name is).

I picked up some Campari tomatoes at the local Walmart.  I've never noticed Camparis before, but they fascinated me.  Larger than a cherry tomato, smaller than a ...regular... tomato...
They are the perfect size to stuff and share as an appetizer!
**sidenote...this pic was more for me... so I could remember what they were called..  ha**

Wash and dry tomatoes (hard stuff, I know)

Pit tomatoes.  Hmm... I don't think it's called 'pitting' with tomatoes,because they don't have a pit.  Well, whatever it's called, I'm saying to scoop out the insides.  
I did this by cutting a hole in the top, then scraped the insides with a small spoon.
(my mom didn't have a scoop that would've made this easier).
The skin on the tomatoes is tougher than you think, so you can scrape with a fair amount of pressure (just remember they ARE tomatoes).
**the insides can be used for many different recipes, or even strained for tomato juice**

Tada... empty tomatoes!
You will want to wash or wipe them down before filling to get all the extra insides off the outside.
**at first I tried to make sure they were neatly cut circles, then realized it didn't matter.  the dip will cover the edges so no one will know anyway**

Tomatoes can be filled with any of your favorite dips.  
Be sure to make dip in advance and chill so it is easier to fill the tomatoes.
I used the Bacon Bacon dip from Tastefully Simple 
{because I sell Tastefully Simple at}
Nice plug, huh? :)
I thought a Bacon dip with a Tomato just sounded super!

Fill a baggie with dip and snip of a bit of one corner.
Or if you're at your own home and have decorator's bags, those would be even better! :P

Squeeze dip into tomatoes, allowing dip to come over top of the hole.
The warmer the dip gets, the runnier it gets, and the messier it gets.
Can you guess which one I filled last?

Top tomatoes with a variety of things: parsley, chives, green onions etc.  whatever you like.
I wanted something green, just to add a small splash of contrary color.
Alas, not being at home, I had nothing green to choose from, so these are topped with beer bread crumbles.
Yes, I said beer bread.  Also sold by Tastefully Simple. Also very yummy.

There you have it.  They are so yummy, somewhat healthy (especially if you use lower fat ingredients with your dip), and even eye-catching.  Oh, and quite easy {but no one will know unless you blog about it}. ;) 

Now I want to go make some... :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

people... they are as bad as they seem...

I have to laugh every time I look through the 10 pics I posted...  Apparently my subconscious is missing food. :)  (For those of you who haven't read my recent posts, I'm working on a HUGE weight loss goal!).

And when you have 3 little constantly hungry monsters, food is usually a big part of the day anyway. :)

BUT that has nothing to do with this post.

One of the goals on my list is to 'Go to Small Groups'.  Almost four years ago, our pastors decided that instead of having a Sunday evening service, we would break off into smaller groups of people.  This idea had (and continues to be) used by many churches, and successfully I might add.

There is a biblical basis for this idea, the foundation coming from Acts 2:42~'And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayers.'

Each year our pastor revisits the reason behind our church having small groups, and this message was shared with us this past Sunday.  I've heard this before, but I've always had a hardened heart.  This past Sunday was the first time I actually listened.

You see, small groups and I do not get along.

From the very first time he mentioned the idea, I hated it.  Yes, I know that's a strong word, but I'm sure I'm using it appropriately.

People make me nervous.  People irritate me.  People drive me insane, whether it's me worrying about how to act/look/be/think around them, or just them being stupid (well, stupid in my opinion). ;)

People were not my favorite growing up either.  They often hurt, disappointed, and failed me in many different ways.  

At least they have the characteristic of not changing...  ha.

And let's not get into all the 'psychiatric' reasons behind this either.  It boils down to my understanding that 'all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God'.  

I often wonder what God sees in people.  But since He loved them enough to send His Son to die for them, there must be some hope, right?

We're all sinners and we all have those bad traits and horrible tendencies, but thankfully we can be saved by grace and work on those issues! 

(something I often forget)

Okay, got off on a tad little bunny trail...

The point is, I wanted NOTHING to do with sitting in a smaller group of people, where you can't hide, and interacting with them on a more personal level.  

No thanks.

However, I decided to be the 'good little Christian' and give it a try.  At the time they started, Noah was 14 months old and I was pregnant with Ruby.  Enough said.  I spent that first year in tears after every small group, for various reasons.  Bryan also became frustrated because he didn't like seeing me cry over it.

At the start of the second year, I tried to stick with it.  I missed more often (having a 2 year old and newborn and often alone due to Bryan's work schedule), and just still different frustrations (let alone not wanting to be there).  Then one night after small group, Bryan said 'no more.'  

The rest of that second year we didn't go.  The third year, we tried to switch groups, but was left in the same group despite placing them lower on our request sheet, which left us not going the entire third year.  As others around me grew to love small groups and began building these new friendships, I became stagnant. 

I also felt very left out.

The intention is not to create cliques, but it happens anyway.  When everyone belongs to a clique but you, it makes you feel a bit like an outcast... even the 'weirdo' who doesn't have a small group.

The few face to face relationships I had dwindled to almost nothing.  My spiritual life suffered because it wasn't getting fed as often as before.  I felt more anger than enjoyment at the thought of going to church at all.

Yet the Holy Spirit wouldn't leave me alone.

Over the past few months, I had considered signing up again when the new groups were formed.  Bryan wouldn't budge.  It was totally uncharacteristic for him, especially since he is the social one.  I left it alone for a few weeks, then brought it up again.  That's when I discovered the reason he had us stop going in the first place.

I wish I could share, but it wouldn't be appropriate.  (don't you just hate me right now?)...  

Honestly, it's one of those things that should be handled privately and never shared with the public.  It wasn't the point of this post anyway.

I began praying about the possibility of signing up, and for a change in Bryan's heart.  We had several deep conversations about it, and on the last day we could sign up, he agreed.  We had to do some major compromising and come to a few 'if' decisions, but we filled out the form and turned it in.

God placed us in the group He wanted us in.  I need to remember that... NOT because I don't 'like' our group, but because it's interesting to see how He works over time...

I became crazy nervous waiting for the first meeting to arrive.  It didn't make any sense to be so nervous because I knew everyone in our group fairly well, and even some we are quite close to.  Flashbacks of small group before and the thought of being the 'newbies' in the group got to me and I couldn't stop the nerves.

Then we found out Bryan would be working, so it would be me and the three kids going.  That did not help the nerves.  I was determined to go.  It was something I felt God wanted us to do, and something I placed on our goals sheet to remind us of the importance of going.

I went.

Most of the families were returners with only a couple of us new groupies.  (like all those words?) ha.

It was a wonderful time.  (I could go into details, but I don't want anyone to think our first group was the opposite.  I LOVED {and still do} our first small group leaders, there were just specific issues that caused our discontentment.)

My mind and heart still have reservations.  I'm planning on hanging with it, and praying that God works in us in relation to small groups, and our new one in particular.  My attitude is still not acceptable whenever I speak or think of small groups, which is another thing I need to pray for.

Before you think I continue to be a 'people hater', thankfully I have changed quite a bit.  God has worked in me a lot since the beginning of small groups concerning relationships.  Since then I've built more, even a couple of close ones, I've destroyed a few, built one or two of those back, and overall I've really pushed myself to interact with people more, even those I've known for years and thought I'd never really get to know.

Overall, people still irritate me, but then again, I am irritating to others.  I try to see people through God's eyes and not my own.  I try to see them through His forgiveness and grace instead of through the sin they commit. 

Not easy...  

...but who said relationships were?

I'll update on small groups in a few months, just to make sure I'm sticking with my goal and sharing any growth I {will hopefully} have.

***i have no idea why this post doublespaced...  i don't have the patience to fix it right now... oh well...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ten on Ten!

January 2011 : : Ten on Ten
Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments. Then share your beauty with us!

**personal note, I do not take a photo each hour for ten hours.  I take many photos throughout the day (hopefully hitting every hour), then post the most interesting or personal favorites.  I do post them in consecutive order. :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weight Loss 1 Week Update

Technically I started last Tuesday, so it hasn't been a full week, but I want Sundays to be my Measurement Days.  Here's a recap of my activity and eating as well as my changes in weight and inches.

Tues. Wed. Thurs. Sat. ~ Worked out at gym for 1 - 1 1/2 hours each day, mixture of weight training and cardio.
Fri. ~ 45 Minutes of Gymnastics with Ruby (which requires more energy from me than I thought!)

Breakfast consisted of one serving of oatmeal each day.
Snack was one boiled egg AFTER workouts (for protein and Vitamin B boosts)
Lunch alternated days between a tuna wrap (tuna, light mayo, seasoning, shredded cheese, lettuce, whole wheat wrap) and a roasted chicken breast topped with pepperjack cheese and sauteed mushrooms and onions.  Fresh veggies were added as a side.
Snack was an apple or a string cheese.
Dinner was nothing out of the ordinary.  I usually cook as healthy as possible with what we have.  This week I paid very close attention to portion sizes.
Dessert was occasional.  I rarely make desserts, but have been trying to do 2-3 per week.  Yes, I had dessert three times during the week, and watched portion sizes with it as well.
Drinks were 6-8 BOTTLES of water a day, as well as one cup of milk (and of course my 2 cups of joe in the morning).  Each afternoon I allowed iced green tea or crystal light.

Weight~ LOST 5 lbs (WOOHOO!!!!)
Arms~ forgot to measure last week, so will update this next week
Chest~ LOST 1/2 inch
Waist~ LOST 2 inches
Hips~ LOST 1 inch
Thighs~ LOST 1 inch
Calves~ same as arms... forgot to measure last week

This was SUPER motivation for me to kick it again this week!  YAY!

I plan on copying/pasting this form each Sunday.  I know it's basic, but simple = doable!

Want to join me?  Create your own, or copy mine, and let's lose weight together! :)  Leave me a comment with your health goals (or link to your blog) and I will encourage you in your journey as well!

"Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do do ALL to the glory of God!" I Cor. 10:31

Saturday, January 8, 2011

you want to me to fit into THAT?

My sister is getting married this year.

I am SUPER excited for her.  She has finally found a great guy (the first boyfriend she's had that I've liked) and he treats her like a princess.  He is in the Air Force and although I will not like having her move far away (and even farther away later on), I am happy for the life she and my nephew will be getting.

Because of being in the military, Josh could be deployed at any time.  The original wedding date was in June, then due to a possible deployment it was moved back to the fall.  Then possible deployment changed again and now the wedding is set to April 1st.  For sure. :)

Anyway, a few months ago after the engagement, my sister showed me this super cute dress she wanted her bridesmaids to wear:

Um, wait a second, *I'M* one of the bridesmaids.

You think I can fit into that?!  (well, and not gross everyone out!)  I was just a few months postpartum, failing miserably to lose the weight this time (I think baby #3 just kills your body for good), and yet in a year I'm supposed to look 'cute' in that?

And then it got moved to April (at the end of December).

Ha.  Hahaha.  Riiiight.

and yes, I KNOW the wedding is not about me.  I know my sister is going to look amazing in her dress (if she ever picks one out) and that SHE is the star that day!  But I don't want to distract from her by being the giant brown and white whale taking up most of the left side of the bridal party.

But I needed to lose weight anyway, not because I need to look cute in this dress but so I don't DIE.  I got out of the 'morbidly obese' category before I got pregnant with #3, but after the major weight gain, I'm right back there.  The doctors say my heart is super healthy and I'm in great condition except for my weight.


You don't tell a fat person they're completely healthy while they're overweight because then they'll NEVER see the need to lose weight!  And the extra weight can take a healthy person down to a dead person in as little as a year.

So, I found a friend who loves to workout and loves to train people and I asked her to help me.  To be my 'Jillian' so to speak.  To push me and beat me and help me get to where I needed to be.  Or at least to help me not make people puke at the wedding. :P

I started meeting with my 'trainer' this week and oh boy... she is TOUGH!  of course I'm super weak and out of shape, but she pushed and encouraged and I am determined to get there.  Determined to lose weight and get into shape and look CUTE in that dress and dance the wedding night away with my hubby! :)

I'm actually enjoying working out again.  I haven't done so since right after getting pregnant with #3 (like a year and a half ago?).  I took all my measurements and I'm actually looking forward to checking them tomorrow after this first week.  I do plan on making a short post on what pounds and inches I've lost each week too, just to help myself track it.

I'm also enjoying eating healthier.  It is VERY difficult to eat healthy when you can't spend a lot on groceries, but it's not IMPOSSIBLE.  I love to cook, and this week instead of shoving down whatever I can whenever I can, I've made time for ME to fix and eat a healthy lunch (that's the meal that gets turned into speed and junk).  I've made sure and tripled my veggie intake and add a fruit intake (NOT a fruit eater).  I've watched my portions, which you can do even on the less healthy meals and still lose weight.  I've made it a point to drink enough water and cross it off a list to keep track of it.

It isn't easy.  It takes major discipline.  For me, going to the gym and working out is the 'easiest' part.  It's when I'm at home and super busy and pulled in many directions at once and 'me' is always on the bottom of the pile that is the most difficult.  It takes MUCH more discipline to watch my eating, to stop and drink more water, to not pop anything in my mouth just to keep going.

But I'm determined.  I'm not going to give up!

and even if I try to quit, I'm pretty sure my 'Jillian' would beat me worse. ;)

My HUGE (no pun intended) goal is to be down 50 lbs by April 1st.  That's 83 days from today.  I know it's improbable, but it's not impossible.  I like tough challenges so we'll see.  Even if I fail by 10 or 15lbs, that's still a lot of weight off my body! :)  But I would LOVE to hit that 50!

Encouragement needed and accepted at anytime on here or fb (or in person/text/phone)!  I'm not an easily offended person, but definitely not offended with talk of my weight. :)

Now to get dressed and head to the gym... yes, on a Saturday...


more words than i know what to do with

I have a TON in my head that I want to blog about.

Getting those thoughts organized and separated enough to be written is a process I've been finding very difficult lately.

But I have a heavy heart today so I write.  Writing always lifts my spirits.

Since it is January, I figured this post could be about my goals for 2011.  Notice I didn't say New Year's Resolutions.  I hate that term.  It might as well say 'Huge Ideas you Want to Do but Never Will.'

No offense to those who use the term and believe in it.  I just think if I'm going to change something in my life, I'm not gonna wait til Jan. 1 to do so, and/or only do so because it's the popular time to change.

I think it's just because of the stubborn and rebellious streak I have. ;)

BUT I did sit down and write out goals for the year.  Feasible, reachable goals, that do require effort, but not overwhelming and setting up for failure.

Okay, here goes.  I think I'll make a new blogpost about each one, which will help my goal of blogging more. ;)  ha. and these aren't in any particular order.  just from what I could remember, then I had to go find my written list to put the rest.  :P  not sure if that's a good sign or not. ;)

1.  Lose weight.
2.  Spend time sewing every Sat and Sun
3.  Have two yard sales (spring and end of summer)
4.  Build a box garden
5.  Grow things in the box garden
6.  Go to Small Groups
7.  More consistent personal devotions
8.  Family devotions
9.  Follow an organized daily cleaning plan (weekly/monthly as well)
10.  Get up an hour earlier

Those are the big basic goals.  I have a few other 'smaller' personal goals, and Bryan and I have some financial goals and 'couple' goals, but none of those are necessary for public reading. :)

So we'll see.  Maybe now that they're on here, I can be kept more accountable!  Feel free to ask how I'm doing with any of these things at any time.  It will be good for me! (although possibly not enjoyable) ;)

alright 2011, let's see what you've got!