God is always present.
I believe that 100%.
However, there are times when I 'feel' He is distant.
And there are times when I 'feel' He is closer than imaginable.
No matter how I feel, the fact that He is always with me, always watching me, always caring for me is true.
He's been showing Himself to me in different ways recently. Ways that you can only step back and say 'WOW, God is in this!'
I had a situation last week when the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray for a certain friend in a certain, very specific way. There was absolutely no reason at all for me to even think my friend needed prayer in this area. I hadn't even spoken to her in a few days before this happened. Had no clue that this was even going on in her life.
It was only through Him I prayed for her that day, in that specific way.
Honestly, it kinda freaked us both out. Ha.
It's not that we doubt our God (I'm throwing 'we' in here without permission, so it really should say I). Not at all.
For me, I tend to get so wrapped up in life, so wrapped up in being mommy, wife, cook, housecleaner (or attempter to clean), taxi driver, organizer, calendar keeper, all knowing of how our family and home run every second of every day, that I often forget Who is really in control.
God isn't a side dish. He's not there to compliment me. He's the main dish. I'm blessed to compliment Him.
I'm thankful for the times when He shows Himself in ways that remind me of His total control in my life. I'm thankful He loves me enough to be right here, involved in every detail, leading and guiding.
Maybe if I would step away from myself more often, I would be able to see and experience these 'wow' moments on a regular basis.
I was motivated by this post by a small, seemingly insignificant occurrence that happened this afternoon.
I am a cloth diapering loving mommy. The money I have saved in 3 years has just blown me away. I'm very aware of when I'm almost out of diapers, and have them washed and ready when needed. However, because of my crazy busy day yesterday, I forgot.
Ever not had a diaper before?
Well, I had 2 left, and put my youngest in one of those before leaving this morning. I went to a friend's house after gymnastics, where after eating lunch, he needed changed. No big deal. Usually the next diaper would last for about 5-6 hours (most of that being naptime).
But for some strange reason (and because it's what babies do), he filled his diaper again just an hour later. really? really??
I have an older washer/dryer, so doing a load of diapers (in the way they need done) takes forever. On the way home I was trying to figure out what to put him in. My friend had offered a diaper before I left, but I HATE taking diapers from other people because they are NOT cheap! I actually was going to, but child chaos caused my mind to go elsewhere, and the thought didn't come back til I was almost home. I had 2/3 sleeping children, and did NOT want to wake them up to go into a store to buy diapers with money I didn't budget for diapers. ugh.
I decided I was just going to duct tape a towel on him. ;)
It wasn't a crisis, but it was a frustration. A frustrated mommy is never a good mommy.
Then I pulled into my driveway and saw a large white envelope on top of my mailbox.
It was marked 'YOUR FREE SAMPLE HAS ARRIVED' (yep, not ashamed, i do request free samples of things i normally use).
I bet you'll never guess what was in that white envelope.
2 Free disposable diapers I had requested who knows how many weeks/months ago.
Not just ONE. Two. I really should've only needed one, but He took away the worry of 'will he need one before the diapers are dry'. He didn't have to.
I don't understand how people can think God isn't involved in our lives. He loves us enough to intervene even in situations that are seemingly insignificant in this life.
You can't tell me it was coincidence. You can't tell me it just happened to work out this way.
He is here.
He is involved.
He loves us.
He planned this lesson out for me before the world was created.
Now that's pretty neat.
Just now read this story. LOVE it!! A very encouraging post. :)